Taurahe to English

This is a brief list of Taurahe words translated to English. It includes both official translations and my supplements based on the structure of the official translations supplemented by various native north american languages as I needed them for roleplaying purposes. This list will continue to grow.

A | M | S | w


An’she – the Sun, one of the Earthmother’s eyes.


Mu’sha – the white moon, one of the Earthmother’s eyes.


Pawne – Biter. As seen in the quest Washte Pawne’s Feather.


Shu’halo – Tauren (“the people”)


Washte – Spirit – this is an interesting choice. Washte in Lakota is “beautiful”. Case of putting together random Native American sounding syllables and accidentally having an actual word? Maybe. This is attested as Spirit in the quest Washte Pawne’s Feather.

Note: These definitions and spellings are entirely my own creation and extrapolation except where they match the wowwiki Taurahe article or other canon source. You’re welcome to use them, but they are not canon.

English to Taurahe

This is a brief list of English words translated to Taurahe. It includes both official translations and my supplements based on the structure of the official translations supplemented by various native north american languages as I needed them for roleplaying purposes. This list will continue to grow.

b | M | S | T


Biter – Pawne


Moon – Mu’sha


Spirit – Washte

Sun – An’she


Tauren (“the people”) – Shu’halo

Note: These definitions and spellings are entirely my own creation and extrapolation except where they match the wowwiki Taurahe article. You’re welcome to use them, but they are not canon.